Wednesday, April 11, 2007


I like to say hello and welcome you, good day is my name.

Have you ever felt like kicking yourself in the butt?
1) Wasting time by thinking too much.
2) Coming out with gazillion plans and not completing them.
3) Allowing yourself to eat even more when you know your already full.
4) Telling yourself to get more sleep when you go to bed at a much later time.

and the list goes on! Terrible isn't it. Well that's me you see there. I really do waste alot of time doing nothing productive.N just had her syf today. Hope she did well:)Still trying my best to get my head right to study for the upcoming exams. I'm still lost in the amazon.
guess what world!
I got to laugh today.

So why don't you blow me a kiss before she goes?
Z out <3

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